
Mi sono Laureato in Economia aziendale presso la LUISS di Roma e ho successivamente conseguito il dottorato in Economia Aziendale e Management presso l’Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi.
Le mie aree di interesse scientifico si concentrano sul Management dei Sistemi Informativi Aziendali, con specifico riferimento alla stima delle performances derivanti dall’introduzione delle nuove tecnologie, all’organizzazione e alla governance delle tecnologie digitali e dell’innovazione, all’adozione e all’uso di sistemi informativi gestionali nei diversi settori produttivi, con predilezione per il comparto bancario.
Sono stato Research Scholar al Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management presso il Center for Information System Research. Successivamente Research Scholar presso il Decision and Information Science Department of the University of Florida.
Attualmente sono responsabile dei corsi di Management dei Sistemi Informativi e Information Management nei diversi corsi di Laurea dell’Università Bocconi e nei Master In Organizzazione e Personale (MOP) e nel Master in Management della Logistica e dei Trasporti (MEMIT).
Partecipo a diversi progetti di ricerca nazionali ed internazionali anche finanziati dal Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica.
Nel corso degli anni sono stato autore di monografie e di articoli scientifici proprio sugli impatti dell’evoluzione tecnologica nelle aziende, che ora ricadono sotto l’ampio cappello della cosiddetta trasformazione digitale     
Secondo il profilo su Google Scholar, il mio H-Index nel 2018 è stato pari a 15, con più di 1000 citazioni all’attivo.


Alcuni dei miei colleghi, accademici internazionali, con cui collaboro in ricerche e pubblicazioni

Vallabh Sambamurthy

Dean, Wisconsin School of Business

Marinos Themistocleous

Professor, University of Nicosia 

Jan Mendling

WU Wien -Vienna University of Economics and business- (full professor)

Vijay Gurbaxani

Paul Merage School of Business, UC Irvine

Ravi Bapna

Professor, CarlsonSchool UMN

Vincent Mangematin

Dean and Chief Academic Officer chez KEDGE Business School

Tobias Kretschmer

Professor,  University of Munich

Zahir Irani

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic, Innovation and Quality) at University of Bradford

Muhammad Mustafa Kamal

Associate Professor in Supply Chain Management at Coventry University (Coventry Business School – School of Strategy and Leadership)


Le mie pubblicazioni sono frutto delle ricerche condotte con i colleghi del mio network, professori in molte Università nel mondo. Il contributo prezioso dei giovani studiosi che collaborano con me nel Centro di Ricerca non manca mai. Contengono molti riferimenti ed esempi pragmatici che derivano dalla costante presenza "sul campo" e "dentro" l'impresa

Publication date 2016  Springer International Publishing

This book is the result of the last two years of research, where several people are worth to be acknowledged for their support, useful comments and cooperation. A special mention to Prof. Vincenzo Perrone at Bocconi University, Prof. Vallabh Sambamurthy, Eli Broad Professor at Michigan State University, and Prof. Franco Fontana at LUISS University as main inspiration and mentors.

Publication date 2015  Springer International Publishing Switzerland

This book aims to develop the strategic and organizational impacts of Big Data
and analytics for today’s digital business competition and innovation. Written by an
academic, the book has nonetheless the main goal to provide a toolbox suitable to
be useful to business practice and know-how

Publication date 2014, International Journal of Information Technology

Vargas J., Sellano A., Morabito V., Koimaditis K., Themistocleous M

Publication date 2014 Springer International

In this book we aim to discuss and present the main challenges and trends for the future of Digital Business Innovation to a composite audience of practitioners and scholars. Machine Intelligence, Wearable Technologies, Digital Currencies And Distributed Ledgers, Data Visualization, Digital Security, NeuroIS, Digital Transformation and IT Ambidexterity, Digital Business Strategy And IT Alignment, Innovation Practices
these publications are going to be part of the usual large body of knowledge together with journals such as, e.g., Management of Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), Journal of Association of Information Systems-JAIS, Management of Information Systems Quarterly Executive (MISQE), Information Systems Research, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, the Journal of Strategic Information Systems, and conferences such as International Conferences of Information Systems (ICIS), European Conferences of Information Systems-(ECIS), Americas Conferences of Information Systems (AMCIS), among others (just to mention the Management of Information Systems research sources), that this book aims to consider for identifying the challenges, ideas, and trends, that may represent “food for thoughts” to practitioners. Accordingly, each topic considered will be analyzed in its technical and managerial characteristics, also through the use of case studies and examples.

MM Kamal, AZ Bigdeli, M Themistocleous, V Morabito Information & Management 52 (2), 135-150 – 2015

V Morabito Big data and analytics, 23-45 – 2015

O Pankratz, D Basten, F Pansini, M Terzieva, V Morabito, LA Anaya International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management 2 (2), 5-24 – 2014

 V Morabito, M Themistocleous, A Serrano Journal of Enterprise Information Management 23 (2), 201-214; 2010